INITIAL CONSULTATION: I will meet with Mom and Partner at a convenient location for a "get to know you" visit. There is no financial commitment required at this time.

IN-HOME CONSULTATION: This meeting will discuss your birth preferences (birth plan) and coping strategies. This will require about 90 minutes of time discussing your birth, and requires the company of both you and your partner. A 50% deposit is required at this visit.

ON-CALL PERIOD: 38 weeks until birthday! I will be available day or night by text or phone. I will do my best to arrange for a back-up doula in the event that I am unavailable. The remaining 50% balance is due at the onset of this on-call period. 

CONTINUOUS LABOR SUPPORT: I will meet you at home or in your birth location when you are ready for my support. I will stay with you during the labor and immediate postpartum recovery. In addition to providing physical and emotional support to Mom, I will provide your birth partner with reassurance, rest, bathroom and food breaks.

POSTPARTUM VISIT: I will check-in with Mom, Partner and Baby a couple of days after the birth. I will help recap and process your unique birth story. I will share moments and stories and photos. I will answer questions about postpartum and breastfeeding or provide referrals as needed. Ohh and ahh with you over your new bundle of love!

PLACENTA ENCAPSULATION: I am a certified placenta preparer. Your amazing placenta, which nourished your baby in utero, can now nourish mama postpartum. Ingestion has been said to increase milk supply, help to stabilize postpartum mood, increase postpartum energy levels and decrease recovery time. Ick factor is minuscule, I promise! Why not give it a try? I will get it to you by 4 days postpartum, in the form of dehydrated capsules, packaged up in a glass jar. Typical yield, approximately 100 capsules.